Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm a tv and movie junkie. I blame my mom's side of the family, for the most part. They weren't much into restricting what content I came into contact with, and as a result I have many traumatic X-Files and Homicide: Life on the Streets memories to thank for numerous childhood nightmares. However, I've since recovered from these incidents and grown to enjoy the big and small screen. I love seeing movies in theatres and am fascinated by the movie making process. That said, I know very little about this process. I'm eager to learn more about the media that fill my life every day; I want to learn about old school media and the new generation that's emerging. I'd like to learn the history of radio, television, and film and what has caused changes within the history. I hope that this course will provide a strong foundation for me to pursue an RTF major. I especially want to know how so many gag-worthy reality shows came to be this prevalent…and why I can’t stop watching Bravo.
            How'd we get from this...

                                                                   ...to this??


Here’s a link to a news blog I like; it’s usually kind of depressing news, but it’s what the mainstream leaves out (which means it’s good to know): http://www.democracynow.org/blog

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